Joe’s Special Box – Volume 51

Joden Girl

Baubles, Bling, and A Collector’s Things

Old rose gold – it’s so romantic.  The soft pink undertones are much more subtle than modern rose gold.  It’s timeless.  This trio of rings from Joe’s Special Box are perfect examples of the beauty of old rose gold.  

Take a moment and appreciate the incomparable attributes of each one.  I love the tiny details – flower buds, trumpet-shaped flares, beaded edges, and asymmetrical scroll-work.  They’re exceptional and uniquely Victorian.  Call me old-fashioned, but I’ll take true antique over vintage-inspired every single time.  Whether they be set with Old European Cut diamonds or rose cuts, the authenticity of these rings speaks for itself.  When selecting a ring (An engagement ring or otherwise) be sure to choose something as individual as you are – a real one-of-a-kind.  Priced from $450-$1950, this dynamic trilogy is located in Joe’s Special Box.  

Antique Re-Imagined

Joden Girl

Baubles, Bling, and Upcycled Things

I’m not a trendy girl.  My mailbox is not filled with fashion magazines nor do I follow celebrity blogs to see what they’re wearing.  I have an eye for beauty.  I know what good looks like.  Occasionally the hottest trends and my personal tastes mesh.  When the bar necklace craze finally reached Grove City about three years ago, I knew it wasn’t going to be a passing fancy, it was a new classic. 

When I approached Joe about converting some of our pins into necklaces, he was skeptical, to say the least.  But I twisted his arm.  And now, there’s no question, they are some of our most popular items. The tiny ones made from lingerie pins and the longer ones made from bar pins… these delicate beauties have definitely created quite a stir!  

This delicious necklace is the latest one to come out of our shop.  It began its life as an elongated bow-tie shaped pin.  Fashioned in the early 1900s in classic Edwardian style, it’s the epitome of simple elegance.  The “knot” in the middle is a double-edged square turned on its side with an Old European cut diamond winking from the center.  The loops or wings of the bow tie are carefully crafted using a heavily engraved outer framework and an entwined wire inside.  A small pair of bezel set blue sapphires to add a hint of color.  It’s moderately priced at $950.00.

As a pin, it could have been in our inventory for years.  Instead, we re-imagined it!  By removing the pin stem, and adding two tiny rings and a cable chain, it has become new again.  The marriage of modern style and antique craftsmanship will last a lifetime.  If you too have an eye for style, come to Joden where the possibilities are only limited by your imagination.

You can go to a museum and look, or come to Joden and touch.

Written by Carrie Martin

Photos by Dana Jerpe

Llamas, Unicorns, and Bears – Oh my!

Joden Girl

Baubles, Bling, and Cuddly Things

Last weekend I spent a few moments helping my youngest son choose a Valentine’s Day gift for his girlfriend.  He’s eleven…  so, naturally, we were in an aisle surrounded by soft and cuddly plush creations.  The assortment was wild; we saw everything from llamas to unicorns…  including an astonishing array of teddy bears.  In an attempt to find the perfect one, we ambled around – cuddling and squeezing each bear as we went.  I found my mind wandering – stretching to remember the story of how the teddy bear came to be.  

In 1902, the 26th President of the United States – Teddy Roosevelt – embarked on an iconic hunting expedition.  Nearing the end of the trip, Roosevelt was the only hunter who hadn’t killed a bear.  The other participants encouraged him to shoot a captured bear, but he refused – deeming it unsportsmanlike.  The news spread, and a local candy company created a stuffed animal in his honor.  They dubbed it “Teddy’s Bear”.  And the rest, as they say, is history.


For more than 100 years, teddy bears have been beloved by adults and children all over the world.  Perhaps that is what inspired the creation of this sweet brooch.  Made from hand-textured 18 karat yellow gold, this modern pin is absolutely enchanting.  From the fully faceted round diamond in his belly button to his bright sparkling ruby eyes, he is simply irresistible.  I love every bit of him – from the top of his ears to his rounded paws!  I can see this pinned on the lapel of a wool winter jacket or a thick cozy scarf.  Our bear is sure to bring as much joy as any teddy bear ever did. 

My son and I were successful at the end of our shopping trip.  We snuggled at least two dozen bears.  We laughed over some of the more eccentric choices.  We fought the Valentine’s Day crowd and won!  He selected a cute little gift box, a sleeve of Three Musketeers (every girl needs a little chocolate), and a small, extra squishy brindle-furred pup!  No matter how cute the bear, it can’t compare to a boy and his dog.  

Written by Carrie Martin

Photos by Dana Jerpe

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