Joe’s Special Box – Volume 1

Joden Girl

Baubles, Bling, and A Collector’s Things

Behind the golden oak door of Joe’s desk are three worn cardboard boxes.  Each is hand-inscribed with a thick, black Sharpie…  “Joe’s Special Box”.  The edges of the boxes have split apart and been repaired with clear tape.  Each one is filled to overflowing with delicious little treasures – the best of the best. 

For as long as I can remember, Joe has kept this small stash; a jewelry lover’s dream.  It all began with one small box for one small girl…  Joe’s daughter, Sara.  When Joe found a piece that was particularly sweet – he tucked it in the box with the intention of giving it to Sara someday.  None of the items were terribly expensive, but they were pristine.  Each one even more lovely than the last.  Did I mention that the items inside were not for sale?

As the years went by and the business grew, so did the box.  Now that it has expanded into three boxes, Joe is willing to make some of the items available to you.  Each week, I will be sharing an item from the box.

I adore these conversion earrings!  Originally they were cufflinks that graced the cuffs of a gentleman’s sleeves  – since then, they’ve been converted to the earrings you see here. 

The center of each one is a hand-carved piece of deep-sea red coral – cut into a Victorian square.  The coral is accented by four platinum marquises… each one set with three tiny rose cut diamonds.  The outer ring is created from a circular sculpted piece of black onyx.  The deceptively simple design is the epitome of Edwardian elegance.  Available now for just $800.

Don’t forget to tune in each Monday for the newest item from Joe’s Special Box.  Until then…

Go to our site and look, then come to Joden and touch.

Written by Carrie Martin

Photos by Shelly Isacco

There’s Just Something About that Name

Joden Girl

Baubles, Bling, and Tiffany Things

In the jewelry world, few words evoke as strong a response as “Tiffany”.  It’s a name that is recognized by Baby Boomers, Generation X, and Millennials alike – it’s synonymous with classic style and nearly two hundred years of excellence.

This piece is one of the finest that I’ve ever seen.  Handcrafted in the early 1900’s from 18 karat gold and platinum, it positively screams quality.  From the tiny cabochon sapphire at the tip of the pendant to each polka-dotted link in the chain, it is absolute perfection. 


And it’s a watch!  The front and back of the watch are hand enameled in three different patterns with both sage green and blue gray colors using the guilloche technique.  A tiny wreath of rose cut diamonds further decorates the center section while the outer portion is rimmed with a rose cut diamond halo. 


The versatility of this piece is unmatched as the chain can be worn alone or even as a bracelet – just wrap it around and then clasp it!  It’s a pendant, a watch, a chain, AND a bracelet.  It’s jewelry genius, and it’s only available at Joden.

“You can go to our site and look, then come to Joden and touch.”

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True Confessions

Joden Girl

Baubles, Bling, and Sapphire Rings

I have a confession to make…  I love jewelry.  I love looking at it, I love talking about it, I love writing about it.  However – I don’t really wear it, especially lately.  It lays in piles all over our house…  four bangles and a diamond band rest beside the toaster in the kitchen.  There’s a pair of oversize silver hoops and a long necklace on the end table in the living room.  The nightstand beside my bed is littered with bobby pins, a tub of Nivea crème, and at least four pair of discarded earrings.  The older I get, the more I want to simplify my life.  Less accessories just seems easier.  There is no decision to make.  Slip my diamond studs into my ears, put on my engagement ring and wedding band, and done.  On the weekends, I only wear my wedding band.  I love the way it looks on finger all by itself.  Simple and elegant. 

I love jewelry that means something…  Personal jewelry.  The significance of my wedding rings is obvious.  My diamond earrings were a gift from my husband at a time when we really couldn’t afford luxuries.  And yet, there they were, under our Christmas tree.  Because of that, I treasure them all the more.  I’m sure that in the years to come, I will acquire another piece or two of jewelry.  I have always wanted a sapphire ring.  Nothing over the top.  Just simple and elegant. 

I love tiny details about each of the rings pictured above.  They are all Victorian rings from the late 1800’s.  The style of jewelry had become much lighter than the Mid-Victorian era.  Rings were often small with an open airy feel. 

This classic piece features an oval sapphire surrounded by an Old European Cut diamond halo.  The sapphire weighs 1.50 carats with .30 carats of diamonds.  Priced at just $1500, it’s perfect for every day wear.


This is my favorite.  It can easily be worn as a right hand ring or an alternative to the traditional diamond engagement ring.  The small round sapphire is a sublime shade of cornflower blue encircled by nine Old Mine Cut diamonds, each facet twinkling in the light.  I love the scrollwork that forms the prongs and graces the shoulders of this tiny enchantress.  Check it out on our site.  At $2500, it’s irresistible!


What’s not to love about this band style ring set with three cushion-shaped sapphires, two natural pearls, and eight rose cut diamonds?  Called a carved half hoop ring for the intricate gallery work that creates the prongs, this style was popular from the mid to late 1800’s.  It’s also available on our website, priced at only $1950.00. 

All three of these rings are simple and elegant.  I would happily  abandon any right hand ring I have for one of these antique gems.  Perhaps you would too!

Written by Carrie Martin

Photos by Carla Leight and Shelly Isacco

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